
Assess, Prioritize & Investigate Potential Risks to Source Waters

Develop an effective source water protection program with actionable insight. WaterSuite helps you save time with centralized data, simple-to-use tools, and reliable information.


Source water protection data sets



Ready-to-use data

Spend less time collecting data and more time gathering insight by utilizing hundreds of pre-loaded state and federal datasets


Geographic Visualization

Evaluate threats to your drinking water intake or wellhead by viewing pre-loaded spatial data layers on a map relative to your zone of critical concern. 

Visual display of threats in your zone of concern.

Knowledge management Tools

Reduce incident response time with quick access to relevant contaminant information, facility contact records and contaminant travel time estimates. Manage priorities, file attachments, and notes related to specific sites, all in one place.

Manage files, notes, and emergency contacts all in one place.

Search for and locate contaminants.


Contaminants Database

Use the search tool to look for known contaminants within your zone of critical concern. Not sure what you may be dealing with? Search unknown contaminants by details such as color, scent and taste.


Risk Scoring Algorithms

Take the guesswork out of determining the biggest threats to your source waters. Prioritize and rank your sites of interest by running risk scoring reports.

Risk scoring reports.