WaterSuite Monitoring Plan Portal (MPP) for
the Lead and Copper Rule Revision (LCRR)
A cloud-based system that enables streamlined information transfer between a primacy agency and utilities.
The complexity of LCRR requires an innovative system of record
Due to complex requirements and associated data related to LCRR compliance, water utilities and state administrators need innovative solutions to manage it all. For example, a water utility has to evaluate all service lines and identify those that are made of lead or galvanized pipe. An inventory has to be created to manage the service line information which can be used to develop a plan for replacing the lead service lines. Utility are also required to develop and execute water quality sampling plans for lead.
All of this information must be submitted to state administrators who are responsible for ensuring that utilities are in compliance with the lead and copper rule revision. The state administrator in turn, has to provide the collected data to the United States Environmental Protection Agency where the information will be included in the Safe Drinking Water Information System, also known as SDWIS.
The Watersuite Monitoring Plan Portal for LCRR helps both state administrators and utilities ensure compliance with the rule
WaterSuite is in the process of extending the existing MPP functionality to meet the requirements for the LCRR. Enhancements will include:
Service Line Inventory
Sampling Plans meeting LCRR requirements
Lead Service Line Replacement Plans
Public access to summary data
Editing, managing and submitting required reports from utilities to the primacy agency
Creating and submitting required reports from the primacy agency to the USEPA.
The use of WaterSuite MPP for LCRR will automatically submit required data, plans and results to the Primacy Agency through direct on-line access and automatic report submission. All submissions, receipts, reviews, comments, approvals will be maintained in the on-line history, accessible to the utility and to the primacy agency.
Intuitive dashboard provides maximum visibility to compliance status for both utilities and state administrators.
Easily add information about service line material of construction in GIS or tabular format.